There are many components to realizing business success at Twitter, but if you want to follow one valuable guideline it would be giving people value as much as possible. It is possible to have your Twitter community retweet your tweets, but you have to really earn it before it will happen. If you want to reap the benefits that retweets can give you, then continue reading please. pimples

There are definite reasons why the free info approach at Twitter often fails to succeed. So what is going on is you need to change your approach and let people know what you are offering them. But there's another reason why people don't click on links, and that's because they don't get any other content from your end. The typical response from people is they simply ignore you if you more or less ignore them. You need to mix in simple tweets along with tweets that contain links. If you simply focus on tweeting links then your followers are going to think you're doing nothing but promotion. Twitter has become a place where you constantly get bombarded by links, so people want to have some change and want to see genuine tweets coming from your end - even if it's a small thought that you're sharing. pimples As long as you give people valuable content, they will think about retweeting you which is more than what usually happens. Also consider that totally unknowns are less likely to be retweeted unless the news is extraordinarily interesting. The kiss of death is to begin promoting anything too soon. There is really no way to predict what will be retweeted, so just plod along with handing out useful content that you know they will appreciate. The more you understand their needs as it pertains to your market, then that will obviously be helpful.

Take Breaks From Tweeting: While you want to tweet consistently, you don't want to post one after the other with no breaks. You should stay away from tweeting "binges," where people post lots of tweets one after the other. When one Twitter user posts many tweets, one after the other, their followers will see them in a single block. This means, for one thing, that anyone who's not looking at Twitter at that time will not see any of these tweets. You'll have more followers reading and sharing your tweets if you post them strategically at different times and not in blocks. The idea is to have as many people see your tweets as possible, as this gives you the best chance of having them retweeted. How to treat pimples Every tweet that you send out to your followers is valuable, and therefore should be treated that way. If you can deliver good value to your followers and make them feel special each time, you'll find them being loyal to you. So look at this as a business investment, and the best ones take time to mature like fine wine.